Tuesday 26 October 2010

Some People Still Tell the Truth...

Another personn unafraid to tell the truth is Dr. Norman Finkelstein.

Dr. Finkelstein regularly tells the truth about Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.


Friday 22 October 2010

The Truth Hurts.

I have no religious faith nor endorse any particular religion, race or creed.  I only oppose those who seek to deceive and then exploit other Human Beings by their parasitic actions.

Minister Louis Farrakhan is a Minister of the Nation of Islam.  I know nothing of the Nation of Islam nor what they stand for.  However, I have listened to Minister Farrakhan's lectures and I believe he plainly and fearlessly speaks the truth about what is happening in the US (and around the World) today.

He wishes to expose the criminals that stand in the way of us living a life of Beauty, Truth and Freedom.

Please listen to what he has to say.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Why Does Israel have any Friends?

By any sensible definition, Israel is a rogue state.

Between 1967 and 2000, Israel has been the subject of 138 UN resolutions, most concerning their treatment of the Palestinian people displaced by their illegal land grabs.  Despite defying these resolutions, no action has been taken by the US or the UK who invaded Iraq, a country which had been subject to 69 UN resolutions.

In 1967, Israel attacked the USS Liberty whilst it sailed in international waters.  The USS Liberty was a NSA intelligence gathering ship tasked with monitoring the Six Day War which was ongoing.  It carried no offensive weapons, just four defensive machine guns.  The Liberty flew a large US flag and had identification marks clearly painted on the hull.

The attack killed 34 American servicemen.  At first, Egypt was thought to be behind the attack.  However, when it became clear that Israel was responsible, Robert McNamara apparently called off American jets on route to assist the Liberty.  Subsequent investigations have shown Israel to have deliberately and illegally attacked a vessel in international waters that they clearly knew to be of US origin. 

Despite the facts that Israel continues to defy UN resolutions, brutalise the Palestinians and flout international law, they appear to have friends amongst our own government.  All political parties have a "Friends of Israel" group. 

Who would want to be friends with violent international criminals?

Other criminals, presumably?

Sunday 17 October 2010

Imagine There's No Religion...

I believe in God as the intelligence behind our Universe.

However, I do wonder that if there is a God and if God is good, why there is so much suffering in the World.

This question vexed the author C. S. Lewis.  As a committed Christian, he was shook by the realisation that despite the prayers of millions for peace, the second world war still occurred.

Some have suggested that the Gods we pray to are not "God" but are entities that have malicious intent towards mankind.

Reading the Bible, it appears that Yahweh is a God that murders those who oppose his chosen people.  Is a violent, bigoted God the same God who created our Universe?

The filmmaker Lenon Honor, whose films are always thought provoking, first turned me onto the idea that the Gods of man are not good but evil.  If this is the case, this would go part way to explaining the cruel nature of this World.

This post was inspired by the writings of Salvador Freixedo, a man who asks us not to just accept religious dogma, but to question reality.  

In questioning reality, we must inevitably ask ourselves why, if the majority of people wish for good in the world, is there so much evil?

Only in answering this question will be able to evolve from our present way of life, with the inherent cruelties, to one of Beauty, Truth and Freedom.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Why Do Criminals Rule The World?

We are governed by criminals.  The assassination of John F Kennedy proves this to be the case.

An individual of reasonable intelligence must, on examining the evidence, conclude that Kennedy was not assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.  How convenient that Jack Ruby (a man, like Oswald, with an interesting background) shot Oswald before he had a chance to tell the World what he knew. 

It matters not who did it (Fidel Castro, rogue elements of the CIA, the oil barons, the banking cartel, the Mafia; all these have been suggested); what matters is that the version of events given by the Warren Commission does not hold up to scrutiny.

This leads one to conclude that the US Government at the time knew, at the very least, that the version of events the Warren Commission published was incorrect.  Despite this, they did nothing to remedy the whitewash.

It must therefore be concluded that, by their actions, they condoned an act of extreme criminality. 

However, the question that is rarely asked concerning the JFK assassination (and this could equally apply to 9/11 and the many other acts of State terrorism) is that, if it is clear that the US Government covered up a criminal act and are therefore guilty themselves, why did the people of the US not demand that the guilty be brought to justice and reform the State so the same thing would never happen again?    

Are people blind?  Are people stupid?  Do people not care?

I believe the answer to be that Human Beings in today's society have a deep seated fear of taking control of their lives.  They fear personal responsibility.

This has resulted in the State, who we ask to run things for us, running amok.  We have created a monster, a monster that we can conveniently blame when things go wrong, a monster who has intruded into more and more aspects of our lives.

This Monster, the State, will eventually run and dictate every aspect of our lives.

That is unless we stand up and begin to take responsibility for our own lives.  

If we do not, we will continue to be represented by criminals, liars and murderers. 


Sunday 10 October 2010

When Money Talks, Freedom Walks...

A major ill of modern society (in my opinion) is that many millions of people derive their income from deceit.  

Politicians fall into this category.  They deceive us that they need bigger budgets, more staff, new buildings, more committees, more CCTV, more security; in fact, more of everything that makes life more difficult and expensive for us whilst providing jobs, prestige and money for them.  

We consent to this because we are told that, if we did not, our "enemies" (of which there are many) would kill us.  The State is our protector and, in return for that security, we have become slaves. 

The Hegelian Principle Helps Explain How the Powerful Got That Way  

One of these imaginary enemies is man-made global warming.  An entire industry has been spawned, an industry supporting a large number of jobs and incomes, based on lies and deceit. 

Today, I came across the article below in which a scientist tells it like it is.

Whilst we allow the Statists to run our lives, they will continue to invent imagined enemies to protect us from and, in turn, justify their own existence.  Our World economy is creaking under the weight of useless bureaucrats. 

The State must be ruthlessly cut back for our own good.


Saturday 9 October 2010

Down With The European Union

If it was up to me, I would take this country out of the European Union tomorrow.  I am convinced that this would very quickly make this country the most wealthy and prosperous in Europe.

A European Superstate was originally a Nazi Idea...

Membership of the EU apparently costs us £ 65 billion per year...
Annual Costs of EU Membership

The upcoming VAT increase has all to do with EU law which has precedence over UK law.

European Union FAQ

Despite what you may have heard, the EU is faltering due to the fact that the majority of the population of the Euro nations did not and do not want to be part if.  James Corbett, an independent journalist from the US, knows the score:

If you value personal freedom, you will lobby your elected representatives and tell them that you will only support politicians who promise to take the UK out of the EU.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

No More False Flags

A "false flag" attack is one where an attack is made by an individual (or individuals) who wish it to be blamed on another party.  This false attack is then used as justification to attack, militarily or otherwise, the party blamed.

Sometimes these attacks are foiled before they begin as, for example, in the case of SAS soldiers dressing up as Arabs and firing at Iraqi police.  

"The easiest way to run a false flag attack is under the cover of a military exercise," says Captain Eric H May, a former US intelligence officer.

Can it just be coincidence that at the time of the 9/11 WTC attacks, the 7/7 train/bus bombings and the 2004 Madrid bombings, military or government exercises were either taking place or had just finished, exercises which were simulating similar events to those that actually occurred?

Here in the UK, the official Government account of the 7/7 bombings is riddled with inconsistencies and errors.  A reasonable inference from this is the Government are being dishonest about what they know.  

Do Governments and the security services employ terrorists to achieve what they want?

The Banking System is a Parasite.

A parasite is an organism that lives off another host organism, without adding anything of value to the host.  If the parasite grows too large, the health of the host suffers.

The Banking System is just such a parasite and it is affecting our national and international economic health for the worse.  The video below gives a good introduction to what I am saying.

Note: Whilst I agree with the comments made in this video with reference to the Banking System, I do not endorse the Zeitgeist Movement or the Lucifer Venus Project.

Do you see how the con works?

In my considered opinion, the Banking Scam is one of the major reasons our World seems to be such a cruel and heartless place.  Our entire World economy is hostage to this corrupt and amoral system of debt.  If the Banksters have their way, we will one day soon have just one World Bank, owned by them and issuing currency for the entire planet.  When they decide to contract the supply of money, the entire wealth of this planet will slide into their pockets.

Make no mistake - they want to rule, with us as their slaves.

Our lives will improve immeasurably when we take back the power to issue currency from privately owned banks.