Tuesday 29 November 2011

The Heart of the Matter...

Is it possible to sum up the reality of our world in one, short essay?  I'm going to give it a try!

Much of this post is inspired by the work of James Horak; please do check out his writings on EMV's (electro-magnetic vehicles) and other subjects.

My belief system allows for the fact that Humanity is one of millions of races populating the Universe.  My view is that, in galactic evolutionary terms, we are a young, primitive and uncivilised race.  Yet, an increasing number of us seem to feel that we are on the cusp of a breakthrough in how we view ourselves and the way we live.  This is evidenced by the recent (last two decades) global flowering of interest in spirituality, consciousness and the paranormal.

Many of us are now asking, "Why are we here?", and "Where are we going?".  

It seems to me that, as a species, we are gradually moving out of a state of denial that "everything is all right" with the way we structure our lives on Earth.  Anybody who is able to think rationally and critically can see that the entire world "system" is not only criminally unjust but is unsustainable and destructive.  The cracks are appearing daily in the form of economic crises and the corrupt oligarchy, who have an interest in maintaining the status quo, are becoming increasingly desperate to paper over them.

Why should the world be in such a state?

James Horak has stated that the extraterrestial races who have visited and continue to visit Earth, being infinitely more sophisticated and technologically advanced than Humanity, have erased what he calls "aberrations" from their society.

The dictionary definition of "aberrant" is "straying from moral standard, diverging from normal type" (modern dictionaries seem to have dropped the "moral" aspect of the definition, which is interesting in itself).  Unfortunately, our society has become so structured that aberrant types have risen to positions of power.  It is now becoming common knowledge that those that hold power within our societies are psychopathic, lacking in compassion or empathy for others and are prone to indulge in behaviour such as paedophilia, indicating a damaged psychological state.  It is essential we face up to this, upsetting though it will be.

It is hardly surprising that researchers such as Andrew Lobaczewski have been obstructed when they have attempted to publish the evidence of the psychological sickness suffered by so many of our so-called "leaders".

This is the heart of the matter; we are ruled by aberrations.  Rid ourselves of the effects of the aberrant elements of society and we rid ourselves of many of the problems that plague our modern world.  These sick elements of society must be identified and placed where they will not pose a danger to themselves and others.

When this is achieved, the true extent to which this small section of Humanity has held back the rest of us will  become apparent.  Information which has been suppressed and used only for the benefit of the few will come forth.  Huge advances in Human technology will become available to all, at little cost.  I believe that the oligarchy already know how to cure diseases such as cancer and how to provide "free" energy to all.  All this and more will be released.

Over time, societies will be structured along rational lines; cooperation, compassion, the rule of law and justice will be the norm.  Humanity will then begin to evolve quickly into a position where we can take our place amongst other Universal civilisations, civilisations with the technology to travel the stars.