Tuesday 24 July 2012

A Dark Night of the Soul

I recently experienced what Carl Jung called a "dark night of the soul".  I was overcome by the sheer brutality and lunacy that has beset our modern World and felt strongly that I had to escape from it.  

It inspired me to write the following rather bleak assessment of modern life:



The purpose of this paper is to explain my position with regard to the current “World Situation”, which, in turn will explain my present and future actions.  It covers subjects in brief and is not by any means exhaustive.



Since the 2008 “Credit Crunch”, even the mainstream media (who I would allege are complicit in not reporting the illegal and immoral actions of our elected representatives and the Military Industrial Complex) are reporting that the world economy is in dire straits.
The World economic situation has been caused by allowing private banks to issue “money” in the form of credit from, to all intents, thin air (97% of UK “money“ in circulation has reportedly been created this way.
This system of creating “money” is unsustainable and leads inevitably to bankruptcy, both national and individual.  The only beneficiaries are the banks which take interest on credit loaned; this interest can only ever be created from more lending.  Meanwhile, the ordinary citizen is asked to endure “austerity”, another word for poverty.
The current financial system will inevitably crash, despite government bailouts which only serve to delay it, unless the system is radically changed.
This crash will cause huge hardship and disruption across the world.

   Geopolitical Situation

Our own Government has demonstrably lied to us in order to take the UK into an illegal war in Iraq.  This war was colonial in nature (i.e. was designed to install a regime friendly to the US and UK corporate interests, amongst others).
Conflicts in Afghanistan, Libya and now Syria (where I assert Western powers are covertly backing so-called Syrian rebels) are being waged for the same interests.
Millions of innocent people have been injured and killed as a result of these illegal wars.  The wars are fought using taxes collected from individual citizens, at a time when the same citizens are being asked to endure “austerity”.  This makes every UK tax payer, in my view, a war criminal. 
There is abundant evidence that elements within the Military, Industrial and Intelligence communities have conspired to commit “false flag” atrocities such as the New York “9/11” event (2001), the London “7/7” bombings (2005) and the Madrid train bombings (2004).  The reason, it can only be supposed, is to cause the public to fear Muslims, thus justifying the illegal military action in the Middle East and continual erosion of civil liberties in the name of security.
Citizens of the world now live in a permanent state of fear as the never ending so-called “War on Terror” is fought.

Political Situation

Our elected representatives now clearly view their role as “Masters” over the People, who are “Servants”.  This turns the original purpose of Government (to serve the Citizens of the country using powers only divulged from Individuals by consent) on its head.
Consecutive Governments have passed thousands of so-called laws making an increasing number of actions “illegal” and subject to fines.  Therefore, the Police have been converted from a “keeping of the peace” role to revenue collectors for the state.

London is reportedly the most spied upon city (via CCTV) in the world.  Despite this, no CCTV images of the 7/7 Underground train carriages or the 7/7 bus bomb were captured due to unexplained “malfunctions”.   
Members of Parliament from the Prime Minister downwards have been shown to have lied to the Public on various issues.
There is mounting evidence that public institutions such as Courts and Police Forces are actually registered as profit making, private companies.  This calls into question their role within society and throws up questions around conflicts of interest.


Endemic corruption now exists within all power centres across the world.
The results of this corruption can clearly be seen in the war, conflict, societal problems, economic chaos and environmental destruction that besets the World at present.
Clearly, something is desperately wrong in the way Human affairs are managed and run.
The long-term prognosis of continuing in this way is misery, never-ending war, possible irreversible environmental damage and world-wide poverty.


The systems that perpetuate the madness that exists within the world rely upon the consent and support of individuals across the world.
The only answer can be for individuals to face up to their responsibility for themselves, for their fellow Human Beings and for the Earth which sustains them.
Therefore, the only sane and rational course of action is to, as far is as humanly possible, withdraw support and funding from the corrupt system, whilst making every effort to find more just and humane ways of living.         

This mental anguish occured during a two week break from work so, knowing that I wasn't yet in a position to abandon this corrupt "society", I calmed myself and prepared to return to my labours.  However, in the last few days I have had somewhat of a revelation.

It occurs to me that we have been duped into thinking that we are members of something called "Society".  In the UK now, David Cameron tells us that we are all members of "The Big Society".  Those familiar with the work of Robert Menard, Jordan Maxwell and others will be familiar with their researches into the legal profession and the definition of words within that profession, definitions that are not the same as English.  Their researches are eye opening in the extreme and the remainder of my argument is heavily inspired by their work.   

Let's look at a legal definition of a "society":

     An association or company of persons (generally not Incorporated) unit ed together for any mutual or common purpose. In a wider sense, the community or public; the people in general.

Going deeper, a legal definition of "association" is:

 The act of a number of persons who unite or join together for some special purpose or business. The union of a company of persons for the transaction of designated affairs, or the attainment of some common object. An unincorporated society; a body of persons united and acting together without a charter, but upon the methods and forms used by incorporated bodies for the prosecution of some common enterprise.

And then "community"...

  A society of people living in the same place, under the same laws and regulations, and who have common rights and privileges.

An English dictionary definition of "society" is:

  a large group of people who live together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do things and sharing the work that needs to be done. All the people in a country, or in several similar countries, can be referred to as a society
What can we infer about "society" from these definitions?

  1. Society is a group of people who have joined together (we assume by consent?) to achieve a common purpose.
  2. Society has its own laws and regulations and gives rights and privileges to its members.
  3. Members of a society make decisions collectively about how to do things.
  4. A wider assumption has been made (rightly or wrongly?) that the noun "society" also refers to "the People in general".
We are all familiar with societies that operate according to points 1-3 above and there are many examples (e.g. Masonic societies, trade societies, religious societies, societies relating to special interests, etc.).  Joining a particular society means we abide by the rules of the society when operating within it for the benefits it bestows on us.  When not operating within the scope of the society, the rules and regulations do not influence other parts of our lives.  If we no longer agree to abide by the rules of the society then we leave, thereby agreeing to forgo the benefits offered by the society.

I would argue that the problems that so beset us today are due to a massive con-trick that has been perpetuated on Humanity as a whole.  We presently have a relatively small group of people who, at sometime in the past, have formed their own "society" with it's own ideas about how human affairs should be run.

This society has it's own political establishment, it's own rules and regulations (mainly via Statute), it's own educational system, it's own financial and economic systems, and so on and so forth.

However, it has somehow managed to con Humanity (at least in Europe and the United States) that "the People in general" belong to that society and thereby consent to it's aims and rules and regulations, it return for benefits is bestows on us, the members.  It is now trying to extend its membership to the whole World (Globalism).

It must be clear to all right thinking individuals that the way this "society" is run is destructive, immoral, cruel and barbaric.  For example:

  • Its financial system is debt based, unsustainable and must by definition lead to collapse, causing untold suffering and misery to its members.
  • It's political establishment is corrupt and routinely lies to the People.
  • It sends its armies to fight wars of oppression and occupation, on fabricated evidence that other countries are a threat to its members.
  • There is evidence that it secretly uses violence on its members in order to get agreement to its policies.       
  • Its educational system teaches information that is decades out of date and seriously flawed (do you really believe the Great Pyramid of Giza is a tomb and was constructed by primitive slaves using ramps and pulleys?  Come on!).
  • It's collective health system is collapsing and seems not to be interested in cures but in perpetuating sickness to sell more drugs for the benefit of pharmaceutical corporations.
  • It collect taxes from its members and fines them for contravention of its rules in order to fund its aims and policies.
  • It arrogantly assumes that all members consent and agree with its aims.   

What idiot would want to pay to belong to a society like that! 

Some years ago I was a member of what I thought was a fairly enlightened internet discussion list.  I raised the idea that so-called "laws" passed by our government and which made certain acts illegal, were not really "laws" but were simply rules that we assume we have to adhere to.

I used the example of the UK seat-belt law whereby if we do not wear a seat-belt during a car journey, we can be fined if caught as it has been deemed "illegal".  I argued that this what not a "crime" as there was no "victim" and no harm had been done to person or property.  It is, in my opinion, a "rule" that it is assumed we consent to being part of "society".

The violent response I received from a couple of members of that list reminded me of the clip below from the film "The Matrix".  I was lambasted for being "selfish" and I was informed that the law exists to protect the rest of "society" from having to pay for me to be fixed up in hospital, should I be injured through crashing my car and not wearing a belt.  My offer to take care of my own medical expenses providing that I could have a refund of the thousands of pounds that I have paid into "National Insurance" over the years (when did I consent to that?) seemed to mark me out as some kind of lunatic.

There are of course many examples of rules and regulations that make us, in the eyes of society, criminals but have no victim or cause no harm to others persons or property.

My revelation was simply this: we can choose at any time to end the illusion that we are part of what is commonly called "society".  We can withdraw from its financial system, stop paying its taxes, stop abiding by its laws and stop buying into its ideas about history, science, education, etc.  Of course, we will also have to give up the benefits and security that the society gives.

Ultimately, this must happen as the societies' aims and policies are so flawed and so destructive that its membership will endure increasing pain and suffering a time goes on.  It may happen on an individual basis or collections of individuals may band together to form their own societies with more enlightened aims and policies.  They will  not wish to impose their society on individuals other than those who consent to be members and their society will not cause harm any other living being (including the Earth) as it goes about its daily business.

Are there agents and gatekeepers stopping us from leaving our "Matrix"?  Only our conditioning, our false assumptions and our fear of what lies outside that which we call "Society" which is, in reality, an outmoded and destructive way of living and of looking at reality.