Friday 31 May 2013

Madeleine McCann - Body Found?

Stephen Birch, a South African property developer who launched his own investigation into the Maddie McCann disappearance, claims he knows where her body is buried.  He claims it is buried in the grounds of the villa of Robert Murat (initially a suspect), a short distance from where the McCann's were staying when their daughter Maddie disappeared.

Some researchers have cast doubt on the version of events given by the McCanns and the so-called "Tapas 9" concerning the disappearance of Madeleine.

Trade between Portugal and the UK is worth some £7 billion (2009 figures).

This is Kate McCann's reaction to Birch's findings.  If your daughter had disappeared and someone told you he knew where she was buried, would you not at least be interested to find out if his claims had any validity,  particularly if the claims concerned the property of a one-time suspect?  It would be relatively simple, it seems to me, to quickly prove or disprove the claims.

Chris Spivey has two articles on his blog concerning this case, here and here.

NOTE: Although I link to other blogs and information sources, I do not endorse everything written there.  For instance, I do not endorse Spivey's comments regarding Freemasonry and Satanic worship.  As with all information coming from whatever source, you should exercise critical thinking, using your own research and experience to come to an opinion.   

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Woolwich - Common Sense Views...


Do not open this link if you are offended by the site of blood or bad language.  The blood and gore you see is not present in any of the photographs relating to the Woolwich incident but in photographs of real knife attacks and shootings.

The link opens up the blog of Chris Spivey.

Chris Spivey - The World Put Right.

Woolwich - Stop, Step Back and Think...

All the evidence concerning the events in Woolwich, London, of last week is what the media has told us.

Can we always believe what the media tell us?

Until the two accused are convicted in a Court of Law, everything else is "trial by media".  My belief is that the case will never reach court and, if that happens, I believe it indicates that this was staged event.  

Many aspects of this event raise questions.

There do not seem to have been many witnesses to the actual attack and those that have been interviewed seem to tell stories that do not ring true.

This is the infamous video seen all around the world.  Who is the filmmaker?  How did he have the guts to stand filming a man that had (allegedly) hacked another man to death?  Why was there no blood on the clothes of the alleged attacker (I'm presuming that hacking a man to death produces an abundance of blood)?  Why does the woman in the video walk past the scene as if nothing unusual is occurring?

This is the car that allegedly rammed the deceased.  Does the damage look as if it has been caused that way?

Is this the same car?

Then there are the alleged links between the UK security services and the accused.

This is the alleged girlfriend of one of the accused, Michael Adebalajo, hairdresser Justine Ridgen.  The picture proves nothing but does it look like the girlfriend of a devout Muslim?

This is allegedly Kirk Redpath, a British Soldier who was killed in 2007 by a roadside bomb in Iraq.  He was reportedly best friends with Adebalajo.

I'm not the only one who has doubts about the event.

This is a picture of the man apparently "hacked to death" and "beheaded".  Do you see any blood?

Please use your brain and ask yourself if what you have been told happened at Woolwich on 24th May 2013 is corroborated by the evidence presented.

If you answer "yes", then please do all you can to pressure the establishment to get the accused into court so we may hear the truth and have justice served.

If you answer "no", then do the same.

Most information on presented here was taken from aangirfan.

Monday 27 May 2013

Philip Marshall and 9/11

In February 2012, Philip Marshall published a book about 9/11 called "The Big Bamboozle", in which he laid out his research indicating that Saudi interests, along with complicity from key members of the Bush administration, orchestrated the attack.

Marshall was an interesting character.  He was not only an experienced airline pilot (including having flown the types of aircraft used in the 9/11 attacks), but had been involved with a character called "Barry Seal".  According to Wikipedia:
 "Adler Berriman Seal, better known as Barry Seal, was a United States drug smuggler and aircraft pilot who flew covert flights for the Central Intelligence Agency and the MedellĂ­n Cartel."
Seal apparently had links to George Bush senior, Oliver North and therefore the arming of the Nicaraguan Contra rebels.  Marshall asserts that Seal showed him a photograph of Seal in Mexico, taken 22nd January 1963, with various individuals involved with intelligence agency "Special Activities".  Some investigators have alleged that this picture was of the team involved in Operation 40, responsible for the assasination of John F Kennedy.  Barry Seal was gunned down in 1986.

His book presents a verifiable analysis describing the gradual take-over of the political, media, military and intelligence structures by various groups headed by people such as the Bush Family, Dick Cheney and the so-called Neo-Conservatives.  The 9/11 event enabled the US to invade Iraq (along the lines of the PNAC document) and thereby take over the second largest oil reserves in the world.  It also removed the main competitor to Saudi oil interests.

There are stories behind 9/11 that Marshall tells which I have not come across before.  For instance, he tells the story of the long battle by United Airlines employees to take control of their company from bankers who wanted the company broken up and sold.  Eventually, the company was bought out by it's employees and built up an enviable record for customer service and efficiency.  This all went down the tubes when the stock plummeted as a result of 9/11 and the company was soon in trouble again.  Conincindence?  Probably.

Marshall tells a salutory tale of when he was involved with flying communications and electronics experts from the US Marines to Kuwait prior to the 2003 invasion of Kuwait.  Before leaving, CNN in the US reported that a sniper had fired on the Kuwaiti Airport, smashing windows.  Upon arriving at Kuwait airport, after taking all measures possible to avoid sniper attack, Marshall asked the Marine Sergeant responsible for airport security about the sniper.  The Marine denied any such thing had occurred and advised Marshall that, if it had, he would have known about it first.  When Marshall relayed what CNN had reported, the Marine stated that the report was "bullshit, just like the rest of this dumb-shit mission"

Talking of "bullshit", remember Colin Powell at the UN, telling the World about intelligence gleaned from an informant codenamed "Curveball" which told of Saddam Hussein's weapons capability?  On March 13 2011, "Curveball" gave an interview to US television from an undisclosed location, admitting that he had lied to the CIA and had never seen any WMD.  When asked where he got the technical, information that he gave, he abruptly ended the interview and walked out.  Perhaps the fact that Curveball's supervisor at the factory where he worked then came forward to admit that he had been offered (and had turned down) $50,000 by an intelligence agency to corroborate Curveball's claims tells its own story.      

People who believe what the media tell you (e.g. that a soldier was hacked to death in Woolwich, London) without verifying the truth first, should take note.

Of course, we should not accept what Marshall says without question.  Unfortunately, Marshall himself will not provide us with further information.  He was found dead earlier this year, together with his two teenage children and his dog, in what police called an apparent suicide.  Researchers are not so sure it was suicide.

In homage to Marshall, I will repeat his "Call to Action" from the end of his book in which he calls for a trial in the US for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), as it was on the basis of his confession gained by the intensive use of torture (including 183 visits to the water board) that 9/11 was linked to (among others) Osama Bin Laden.  Marshall was sure that KSM would be found innocent as, apart from confession under torture, there was no hard evidence to link him with 9/11 and this would then allow others to present evidence of Saudi involvement which was buried in the original 9/11 Commission report.

This will, Marshall hoped, eventually lead to prosecution of those in the US political, media, intelligence and military establishment who were responsible for planning, executing, facilitating and covering up the 9/11 false flag attack.