Sunday 26 December 2010

More About Money...

Here are some useful videos explaining our monetary system, what is wrong with it and ideas for reforming it.  They videos were created by Ben Dyson at Positive Money.

Friday 24 December 2010

The Solution to All Our Problems...

Our economic system is based on debt and deceit.  95-100% of the money (depending on the country) in the world is created out of thin air by private banks.  The money is loaned into existence at interest.

When you study this system, you will see that it is unsustainable.  In recent years, the system almost collapsed and the solution proposed by our politicains and bankers was...bail out with more debt based money.  This is like trying to sober up a drunk with more alcohol!

There is excellent information available which will explain to you why the monetary system is con designed to transfer the wealth of the world into the pockets of just a few bankers.  

The video below will not only set out the problem but the solution.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

John Pilger - A Hero Amongst Media Cowards and Collaborators

When I was a lad, I remember reading John Pilger's reports in the Daily Mirror concerning the wholesale slaughter in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge of 2 million Cambodians.  In my mind, I can still see the hideous image of human skulls piled high, victims of the massacre.

Pilger still writes on the subject, telling all who will listen that The Khmer Rouge were actively and covertly supported by the UK and the US.

US and UK involvement in Cambodia...

Pilger is a journalist I respect, one of the very few that actually does what a journalist should do.  He takes the statements of those in authority and subjects them to investigation.  Much of the time, he finds that what our so-called leaders tell us is lies.

Please make time to watch his recently released film, "The War You Don't See".  The trailer is below.  Please prepare to be shocked, saddened, ashamed and angry at what you see.  Then, like I plan to do, go and see your MP and demand that he puts all his efforts into stopping the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The War You Don't See (trailer) from John Pilger on Vimeo.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

The State is Running Scared...

The State is now so frightened of criticism that it is using it's paramilitary thugs (aka the Police Force) to menace a 12 year old.  Nicky Wishart, a 12 year old lad from Oxford, posted on Facebook about plans to close his local youth centre.  

This prompted a visit to his day prison (aka School) by SS Stormtroopers (sorry, Police Officers) to, presumably, frighten him from questioning the enlightened decisions of the State.

Read all about it here

Message to Police Officers and Teachers who are offended by what I have written above:

If you are serious about being of service to the Public who pay your wages (yes, you ARE public servants), stop being unthinking tools of a repressive State and start educating and keeping the peace.  

This will result in you gaining the respect of the public that you used to deserve, instead of the complete lack of respect you currently experience.

Education, Education, Education...

Is our education system dedicated to bring out the innate talents of our young people so they may fulfill their own potential and therefore enrich society through their own God given gifts?

Or is the Education system a means of social engineering, designed by our Monopolist-Socialist governments to produce ideal workers for the type of society they have spent decades trying to create?

Mr Rod MacKinnon, head of Bexley Grammar School, certainly believes that schools are being used as a means of social engineering.  

In today's Telegraph Online, he says, "There are those who wish to use children and schools as social engineers with a view to creating a different society but we should not even be trying to do such things," he said. "Children need to be nurtured, educated and cared for, not thrown into the frontline of social reform. Muddled thinking is guaranteeing failure for the noble aspirations we all commonly hold for the education of the young."  Read the full article here.

Social engineers do not hide this fact, they freely admit it.  Here is a quote from Naresh Singh, a program director at the International Institute for Sustainable Development:

"Education has been advanced as significant in bringing about changes in attitudes, behaviour, beliefs and values...In order to redirect behaviour and values towards institutional change for sustainable development there is a need to investigate strategic options in relation to educational philosophies, scope for propagation and adoption, and groups most likely to be susceptible to change." Source is here.

Is it the role of educators to bring about changes in attitudes, behaviour, beliefs and values?  I maintain that this is not education, this is indoctrination.  Who decides what attitudes, behaviour, beliefs and values are valid and which are not?

What effect has this social engineering had on our academic performance?

John Taylor Gatto is an ex-teacher from the US who is critical of compulsory state education.  You can watch an interview with him below.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Capitalists v Communists - Are You Fooled?

It came as a shock to me to learn, in my early twenties, that what we have been taught about the way the World works is lies.  A classic example of this is the "Capitalist" v "Communist" ideological battle.

Would it surprise you to know that financiers from the USA bankrolled the Bolshevik Russian revolution?  Would it also shock you to know that Russia has, over decades, received massive amounts of aid from US companies, much of it funded by the US taxpayer?  Why should this be?  These countries are ideological enemies, right?


There are two competing ideologies in our World, the "Monopolists" and the "Individualists".  Monopolists believe in a society rigidly controlled by a totalitarian government, where huge corporations and the political establishment are intertwined for their own mutual benefit.

This explains why the National Socialists (e.g. Fascists) and International Socialists (e.g Communists), which conventional thought has at the opposite end of political ideology, are identical.

John D Rockefeller, who is often held up as a personification of American capitalism and entrepreneurship, was quoted as saying, "Competition is a sin!".  What did he mean?  Well, Rockefeller was a Monopolist and he did not want competition to threaten his huge fortune.  Not only that, but he actively pursued strategies to ensure that his monopoly grew and supported revolutions which would lead to Communist enslavement of populations. 


Because Communist societies are the perfect markets for monopoly corporations to operate within, safe from attack from free competition.

Individualists believe in a society with strictly limited government and maximum individual freedom.  In this society, individual entrepreneurship flourishes and enriches the living standards of the whole society.  Rewards are gained by individual talent and hard-work, not by bribing politicians to pass laws aiding your monopoly corporation whilst inhibiting competition.

A number of researchers have unearthed these historical facts; one is Antony Sutton (now deceased).  You can find a sample of his writings here and a recorded lecture below.


Sunday 12 December 2010

Dr John Coleman - Modern Day Hero

Apologies for the break in posting.

There are a few commentators on the internet that, for many years, have been warning us all that there is a cabal of super-rich, oligarchal families that are detremined to own anything of any value on God's Good Earth.  Not only that, but they will use fair means or foul to achieve their aims.

They people do not worship God as we understand it; they believe that THEY are Gods.  Their G-O-D is Gold, Oil and Drugs.

Dr John Coleman is a man who, as an employee of MI6, has inside knowledge of his subject.  Please watch his videos and read his books.  You will realise that, until we stand up against these warped, evil, in-bred families and their cowardly minions, we will never experience Beauty, Truth & Freedom in our lives.