Friday 21 January 2011

Simon Dixon on Monetary Reform

Here's  a young countryman of mine, Simon Dixon, talking sense about monetary reform.

Thursday 20 January 2011

9/11 For Dummies

Apologies for another 9/11 related post but I believe it to be of extreme importance to keep this subject in the minds of people.

Clearly, the official version of events is a lie.  Obviously, whichever group was ultimately responsible, the attacks could not have been carried out without assistance from the US Government.

Will this be the "Achilles heel" of the small cabal that is determined to remake the world in their own twisted, sick image?

"Let us not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September 11", said George W Bush.  

Like the 9/11 Commission theory, Dubya?


Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Illuminati and Conspiracy for World Revolution

Out of necessity, this will be a short post on what is an enormous subject.

What I have posted so far are pieces of a massive jigsaw, the totality of which is the reason why this world is increasingly bereft of Beauty, Truth and Freedom, not to mention Love and Justice.  In fact, those rational thinkers amongst you will be able to clearly see that our society, particularly the centres of power, is full of ugliness, liars, slavery, hate and injustice.  

The truth is, I believe, that there is a spritual and material conspiracy to subvert our society to one which is the mirror-image of what a good God designed it to be.  It is spiritual in nature by virtue of the fact that it is controlled by satanists; that is, those controlled by Satan (please see my note on "Christianity" below).  It is material in that it is carried out by flesh and blood men and women who are either in on the conspiracy or who have been duped into coopearting.

"Conspiracy Theories" of this nature are not new.  Dr John Robison attempted to warn Europe about what was going on back in 1798.   

The end goal of these people is to create a society where the mass of the population is controlled by a minute number of "illuminated" rulers who, as well as controlling all aspects of the populations' lives, will own and control the entire wealth of the world.  The group controlling this is known as "The Illuminati".     

One of the best places to start your research on this subject is with the work of Fritz Springmeir.  Please watch the video and use it as a jumping off point for the others in the series.

Note on Christianity: Springmeir's videos have strong Christian overtones.  A very short time ago, this would have put me off listening to what he has to say.  I was brought up in an agnostic family and had pretty much fallen for the line that said Christianity was a con and was just a means of social control.

Therefore, I looked for truth everywhere else I could; in Buddhism, Taoism, New Age philosophy, Freemasonry, Hinduism, Sufism, mystery religions, Gurdjief teachings, etc, etc...

However, I have come to the conclusion that Christianity is where the truth is to be found.  Christ came to show how to lead the kind of life that God wants Humanity to lead.  Satan (or Lucifer) is a parasite who means to distract us in every way possible from finding and sticking to the "sraight path".  

God has given us free choice to live how we wish and follow who we wish.  The results of not doing what is right is clear for all to see (just look at the state of our world!).  The information to put it right is out there.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Is Rock Music Evil...?

Before I discuss this subject, I should say that I have been a music fan since I was a child.  As a young man, I was a big fan of "heavy metal" and I have played in "rock" bands for many years, up until very recently.  In addition, I was a big fan of The Beatles.

I explain these things because what I am about to discuss is difficult to believe, particularly if you are or have been a popular music fan.  As someone who has been involved in music for many years, I dismissed this information for a long time.  However, the clues just keep popping up to  suggest to me that it may be true.  As with anything, you should exercise your own judgement and do your best to lay aside your prejudice and conditioning to get to the truth.

The proposition is that rock music is used by satanically motivated groups to corrupt society, particlarly the youth.  The goal is to create a Luciferian, one-world society, which in reality is a mirror image of God's vision for this planet.  

The video below will give a background to the subject.

In this piece, Todd talks about the song "Helter Skelter" by The Beatles and claims that the term "Helter Skelter" is an occult code-word for the rapid destruction of society.  A few minutes research will in fact show that the term has been around for at least 200 years and means "in disorderly haste and confusion".

As an aside, the band U2 play the song at the beginning of their "Rattle and Hum" film.  Their singer Bono seems to clearly hold up an upside down crucifix during one portion of the song (at 2.29 in the video below).  The upside down cross is a satanic symbol indicating the rejection of Christ or the anti-Christ.

Dr John Coleman, who I have discussed in an earlier post, talks about the creation of the Beatles by the Tavistock Institute as a means to carry out "social conditioning" of society.  I would recommend reading Coleman's "Committee of 300" for the full story but watching the video below will give you a flavour of the subject.

I leave you to make your own mind up and to research more fully around the subject.  As somebody involved with the music business both as a fan and on a semi-professional basis, I know what I think...     

Friday 14 January 2011

Is Anti-Semitism Justified?

An irrational hatred of an individual because they belong to a particular racial group, particularly if that hatred results in direct harm to that individual, is not to be condoned.  Whilst I do not agree with the passing of "hate" laws designed to inhibit free speech (it should not be illegal to have an irrational hatred of a racial group), it should be recognised that to do harm to somebody as a result of their race alone is despicable.

However, when examined dispassionately, it can be argued that the dislike of Jewish people has occurred at many times and in many places, over hundreds of years.

In his work, "Synagogue of Satan", Andrew Hitchcock makes a partial list of 47 areas of the world that Jews have been expelled from between 1012 and 1891 (click here for a similar list).

He quotes Jewish writer Bernard Lazare who, in 1894, said:

"If this hostility, even aversion, had only been shown towards the Jews at one period and in one country, it would be easy to unravel the limited causes of this anger, but this race has been on the contrary an object of hatred to all the peoples among whom it has established itself. It must be therefore, since the enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse races, since they lived in countries very distant from each other, since they were ruled by very different laws, governed by opposite principles, since they had neither the same morals, nor the same customs, since they were animated by unlike dispositions which did not permit them to judge of anything in the same way, it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought against Israel.”

What is the cause of this hatred and is it justified?

Is it because it is perceived that it was Jewish bankers who created and benefit from the unsustainable, immoral, debt-based financial system that we currently have?

Is it because of the actions of the State of Israel?

Is it because Jewish people seem to have an disproportionate influence over the Government of the United States?

Is it because the leaders of the Bolshevism movement, which lead to Communism in Russia, were Jewish?

I would ask that if you are tempted to comment on this post and attempt to demonise me as an anti-Semite, that you make an attempt to show what your research shows the reasons for the historic dislike of Jewish people.  

Wednesday 12 January 2011

And Now...A Musical Interlude!

Me thinks it be time to take a break from the relentless pace of following the corrruption, deceit and general God-lessness perpetrated by our ruling Establishment Elite and enjoy some music.

Remember to sing along!

Monday 10 January 2011

9/11 - Welcome To Wonderland...

The 9/11 World Trade Centre attacks is one of the defining moments in recent history.  Civil liberties have been lost and wars have been waged as a direct result of this event.

The official story of 9/11 is that Islamic extremists hijacked jet airliners which were then crashed into the World Trade Centre Towers and the Pentagon.  However, many, many investigators and organisations have raised serious doubts that the official story is what happenned.  A brief search on the internet will enable you to find this information.

So what did happen?  Despite nearly 10 years having passed, we still do not have the truth.  However, luckily for us, independent investigators are determined to solve the crime and help bring the criminals who carried out the attacks to justice.

Note: please also watch the "September Clues" series by Simon Shack, which is available on YouTube.

Sunday 9 January 2011

7/7 - More Questions

This will be the last film I put before you concerning the 7/7 London terrorist attacks.  My intention is to show you that there is a number of people and groups who doubt the official version of events.

Given that the official version of events is used as justification for loss of civil liberties in the UK,  prosecution of illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and unjustified suspicion of anybody resembling a Muslim, should we not be concerned that this official narrative appears not to accurately describe what actually happened?

Of course, those that wish the truth to remain hidden will be hoping that you will dismiss this film out of hand as it's originator is David Shayler.  Shayler, if you are unaware, is an ex-intelligence officer who, along with his ex-partner Annie Machon, became known for attempting to blow the whistle on illegal activities carried out by the UK security services.  However, his credibility was damaged when he apparently claimed that he was a messiah.

No matter what your view of Shayler is, please watch the film and decide for yourself if the questions he raises are valid.  

Mind The Gap - Version 1.0

Saturday 8 January 2011

7/7 - Another Challenge to the Official Account

Another piece of work challenging the official account of the 7/7 London bombings is "Ludicrous Diversion".

The maker or makers of the film have remained anonymous.  However, you can read a statement from the makers at the July 7th Truth Campaign here

It is important you watch this film in order that the real criminals responsible for the attacks are caught and brought to justice.

Friday 7 January 2011

7/7 False Flag - Injustice Continues

There are a number of excellent films out there by independent 7/7 London terrorist attack researchers.  One of the shortest and easiest to follow is "7/7 Ripple Effect", put together by a gentleman by the name of John Anthony Hill.  It shows, I believe, that the official account of what happened that day cannot be true.

Mr Hill, a 62 year old hailing from Sheffield but residing in Ireland, is also known on the internet as "Jah" and "Maud'Dib".  His website, which has been available for some years, is "Jah Truth".  

Mr Hill is currently in police custody after, in 2008, sending copies of his film to the judge and jury foreman of a county court which was in the process of trying individuals alleged to have conspired with the four alleged 7/7 bombers.  Mr Hill, having followed the trial, was concerned that a perversion of justice was taking place.  During the trial, lawyers for the prosecution (according to Mr Hill) repeatedly made statements to the effect that the four men accused of the 7/7 attacks clearly were guilty when, in fact, they have never been convicted.

Mr Hill's copies were intercepted by the court trying the men before reaching the judge and jury foreman.  However, in 2009, Mr Hill was arrested by Irish police and eventually extradited to the UK on request of the UK government.  He is currently facing trial for attempting to pervert the course of justice.

If you care to examine the Jah Truth website, you will note that Mr Hill claims to be the Christ, returned to Earth as prophesied by scripture.  Now, at this point the majority of you will be inclined to disregard this man as a deluded lunatic.  However, please consider this.

If we accept for a moment that Jesus Christ existed, as the Bible tells us, as a prophet of God, is this not how he was considered in his time?  Was not Jesus considered to be a lunatic and a threat to the Jewish religious establishment of the time?  Clearly, the fact that he was crucified by the authorities shows that the establishment wanted rid of him.

This was the sad end for a man who preached compassion, love and justice, if the Bible is to be believed.
Therefore, is it not reasonable to suppose that, if he did walk the Earth today, for his message he would be derided, insulted and disbelieved?

Please watch "7/7 Ripple Effect" below.  Decide for yourself if what he claims has merit.

Then watch the interview below and decide for yourself if this person is a lunatic or a reasonable man.   

Interview with Maud'Dib.

Saturday 1 January 2011

Bill Cooper - I Salute You.

Bill Cooper was a man who, like John Coleman, had inside knowledge of who secretly runs our World, how they do it and what their agenda is.  What's more, he was doing it many years before the likes of Alex Jones and David Icke (both of whom have their merits and, I believe, their weaknesses) came on the scene.

Cooper was hounded and eventually killed by law enforcement officers, a sure sign to me that he was privy to information that was particularly damaging to the controllers, the "Secret Government", presiding over Planet Earth at this time.

I heartily recommend his book, "Behold a Pale Horse", and reproduce below a video of a lecture he gave.

Bill Cooper, rest in peace, I salute you.