Tuesday 6 December 2011

UFO's, the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis and Deep Politics.

Since I was a child, I have been interested in the phenomenon known as UFO's (Unidentified Flying Objects).  My interest started (as far as I can remember) by a book bought at a motorway service station, on route to a family holiday; I must have been around 9 years old.  As well as the obvious interesting subject matter, two aspects of the issue fascinated and disturbed me: the complete disinterest shown by the rest of my family and the fact that, as the last page of the book pointed out, somebody in authority simply must know more about UFO's than they were letting on.

The apathy shown by many to potentially life changing (but controversial) subjects and official denial and cover-up of UFO's were things that, in my innocence, shocked me.

During my teenage years, I read every book I could get my hands on about UFO's and associated subjects.  Like many, I was convinced that they were physical craft from outside of this planet.  With the advent of the Internet, I then became exposed to many other theories and ideas concerning the phenomenon, including the notion that the US government had, for decades, been in contact with particular groups of ET's and used technology gained in various nefarious schemes.

Many years of study later have brought me to only one certain conclusion: the US (and possibly UK and other countries) government certainly knows much more than it is telling about the UFO phenomenon.

An authority on the subject I trust is Richard M Dolan, author of "UFO's and the National Security State".  Dolan is one of many that believe disclosure of an ET presence on Earth is inevitable.  I too believe this is the case.

My only fear is that disclosing the ET presence will, in some way, be used the criminal cabal currently holding power on Earth for their own ends.

My only hope is that any such disclosure will be part of a planet-wide clearing of the old, corrupt ways of running the world, making way for a fairer, more enlightened way of living.

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